
OMEP has worked with various development projects on education for sustainable development since 2010. The overall aim of the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) project is to enhance the awareness of Education for Sustainable Development among OMEP members, young children and early childhood education at large. The work began with an interview study based on a logo where children were portrayed cleaning the world. The next phase involved projects with children engaged in preschool practices based the 7Rs, respect, reflect, rethink, reuse, reduce, recycle, redistribute. A third project has involved intergenerational dialogues, where three generations were involved.Around 35 countries from all regions of the world have participated and thousands of children and teachers around the world have been involved in the three parts of the ESD projects.

  • Part 1: Child Interviews
  • Part 2: ESD in Practice
  • Part 3: Intergenerational
    Dialogues for ESD
  • Part 4: Equality for
  • Part 5: Teacher Training
    Resources for ESD
  • Book: Education for
    Sustainable Development
    in the Early Years
  • Article: Early Childhood
    Education for Sustainability:
    The OMEP World Project