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Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development

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Education First:

Education First:

This paper outlines the contribution the education sector can provide in meeting the challenges of climate change, worldwide. It offers an analysis of the means via which education, awareness and training can help the global efforts to tackle climate change and lists a set of practical activities which may assist various groups in handling climate matters as part of formal and non-formal education. The paper concludes by providing a warning: without proper emphasis to educational approaches, the desired (and indeed) changes in attitudes and behaviour as well as the motivation needed in order to engage people in reducing the impacts they may have on the climate, may not be fully achieved.

Item Type : File
Url : http://oaji.net/articles/2014/987-1405171586.pdf
Languages : English
Published by : Journal of Baltic Science Education
Resource types : Journal articles
Subject : Environment
Priority Action Area : Priority Action Area 4 Empowering and mobilizing youth
Collation : 0
Themes :
    Climate change
Regions : North America and the Caribbean
Attach File :