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Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development

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Education First:

Education First:

Only recently has Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) become a question for Early Childhood Education (ECE, including care). Since it is a new area of content in ECE, there are also many questions to sort out. Some people claim that young children should be sheltered from all the problems in the world, which is an understandable standpoint, but in this article I present arguments for ESD both as content (the object of learning) and a way of working with children (the act of learning) in the early years. Support for these arguments is found both in recent research and in international political/policy agreements.

Item Type : File
Url : http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13158-011-0034-x
Languages : English
Published by : International Journal of Early Childhood
Resource types : Journal articles
Subject : Pedagogy
Priority Action Area : Priority Action Area 2 Transforming learning and training environments
Collation : 0
Themes :
    ESD General
Regions : Europe
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