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Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development
Education First:
The purpose of this study was to find out what were the contents and types of young children`s community participation in the ``Musim stream project`` as a case of ``Early Childhood Education for Sustainability``. As a study method, qualitative analysis was used. For this, at first, the researcher analyzed daily logs and study diaries from the teacher who was in charge of the project for picking out the contents and types of children`s community participation. Next, the analysis results by the researcher were checked over through face to face meetings with the teachers in order to be a more reliable analysis, And finally, the analysis results went through validity check by a leading scholar in this area. In the study results, the community participation of the children were found out five contents of participation from ``investigation about the community`` to ``campaigning``. In these participations, there were types from ``assigned, but informed`` to ``child initiated and child directed`` by Hart`s ladder of participation(1992). Seeing these study results, the researcher could conclude that teachers need to guide young children to have an interest in community issues and it is possible that even young children can contribute to the solution of the community problems.
Item Type : | File |
Url : | http://kiss.kstudy.com/journal/thesis_name.asp?tname=kiss2002&key=3163807 |
Languages : | Etc |
Published by : | The Journal of Korea Open Association for Early childhood Education |
Resource types : | |
Subject : | Environment |
Priority Action Area : | Priority Action Area 2 Transforming learning and training environments |
Collation : | 0 |
Themes : |
Regions : | Asia Pacific |
Attach File : |