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Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development

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Education First:

Education First:

Sustainability is a key component of Quality Area 3 of Australia's National Quality Standards for early childhood education and care. Yet many services are struggling with meaningful ways of incorporating sustainability into their programs and practices. The inclusion of 'nature' both indoors and outdoors is one aspect of sustainability. However, it should be included as part of a larger picture including economic and social sustainability where educators collaborate with children and families to make positive change for their futures.

Item Type : File
Url : http://www.ecta.org.au/_dbase_upl/More_than_just_a_vegie_patch-Charlotte_Bowley-Jenny_Clarke.pdf
Languages : English
Published by : Educating Young Children: Learning and Teaching in the Early Childhood Years
Resource types :
Subject : Environment
Priority Action Area : Priority Action Area 4 Empowering and mobilizing youth
Collation : 0
Themes :
Regions : Asia Pacific
Attach File :